About Human First

Human First is a partnership in health care between VIA University College, the Central Denmark Region, Aarhus University and the Municipalities where we work together towards the common dream of making central Denmark the healthiest place on earth. For the people who live here. But also for the people who don’t.

The vision and foundation for our collaboration is described here.

This page describes the four focus areas that have been chosen for the first period to contribute to the realisation of the vision. The focus areas are to function as beachheads for the long-term cooperation and contribute to experience gathering and development of new knowledge within the specific area, as well as intersectorial cooperation in health care in general.

For each focus area there will be established an organisation to ensure the formulation of action plans and continuous reporting on progress.

The action plans will elaborate the focus areas and describe the specific objectives, and initiatives will be made in cooperation with relevant stakeholders such as municipalities, private and public foundations, private companies as well as international institutions within research and education.

Focus areas

Currently we will focus our cooperation on these four areas:

  • Brain disease and brain injury
  • People needing rehabilitation
  • Correlation between the theoretical and practical education courses
  • Mental health for children and youth

These focus areas are chosen, partly, because here we already have a strong position that we can work together to lift up to an even higher level, and partly because these are areas where we want to promote further development.

The vision is to create unique results that will benefit the citizens in central Denmark and that can achieve international recognition for the ability to better health for all people in the world.

It is our ambition, within all four areas, to ensure a strong connection between research, education and practice and to cooperate with municipalities, general practitioners and strong international institutions within research and education.